The week of Easter break, Derick's sisters, mom and grandma invited us to go to the beach with them for the week... sounds fun right? The kicker... it was only girls and kids! What! Who does that!? Who is really on vacation that week? The guys for sure! They stayed at home and worked but got to do whatever they please after that! My heart goes out to all the single parents out there. Not an easy job! So Nikki and her three kids and me and my two kids stayed in one trailer. And Rikki and her ONE daughter, grandma Delynn and grandma lala stayed in one trailer. Night one... Luke started the trip off cutting TWO teeth and falling down the stairs and getting a black eye! He was up all night crying and not sleeping well. Yep morning one there, I was wishing I drove my own car because I was ready to pack up and go home! Needless to stay the trip didn't turn out that bad. We actually had a fun time.
There is a beautiful bike path that we got on at the trailer park and it took us all the way to
Avala Beach! On the way home one day the boys crashed! We tried to ride our bikes as much as possible. The kids really enjoyed it!
Shopping one day, we bought the kids a five dollar kite. That was the best investment ever! Our kids wanted to fly that thing all day everyday!
So you would think that Trent would be used to the ocean since we go camping on the Dunes all the time... but he was a nervous wreck! He was for sure that some one was going to let go of the kite and it was going to be eaten by the ocean. He also never took his eyes of Luke. He kept saying he was
afraid he was going to drown in the ocean. If Luke would take two steps away from me Trent would freak out! What a protective big brother!
Luke had a blast throwing rocks! He loved being on the beach! A rock did not get passed him without being pick up and thrown.